Paul Harcourt Davies

DSC03632 copy a professional photographer/author and conservationist who has led botanical, natural history and photographic trips for three decades. His numerous books, articles and lectures reveal Paul to be a real enthusiast, a master of his art and an inspirational teacher with an international reputation. He has lectured in the UK, USA, Cyprus and Italy on various aspects of photography and natural history, taught hundreds of workshops and is a prolific writer of books, articles and blogs. He is regarded as an authority on the Mediterranean flora and fauna (orchids in particular) and has become regarded by many as the ‘macromaestro’ for the techniques he has developed and made available to photographers. Paul has often said he is on a mission to demystify elements of photography which his background, a combination of science and arts makes possible.

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He was the winner of the portfolio award for the International Garden Photographer of the Year 2013 plus a Royal Photographic Society Gold Medal, has been a three times speaker at WildPhotos (2008, 2012 and 2014). He was also a judge for the prestigious Wildlife Photographer of the Year (2015) competition, for Asferico 2016, the major Italian nature photographic competition and the first LIPU contest. More of his work can be seen on his website:

Lois Ferguson

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...has managed specialist tours for over twenty five years for clients who demand the best – she makes sure everything works and runs smoothly and, by common consent, produces picnics to die for. Lois also manages tours for a specialist archaeological travel company and is an inspector for the Alastair Sawday's Special Places to Stay guides in Italy. Her years spent in Italy have given her an encyclopaedic knowledge of the country, its people, history and the food and wine. Although by training Lois is a musician (violinist), she also had her own business back in the UK creating specialist paint finishes and trompe l’oeil work. She is also a keen photographer with an eye for the unusual and a gift for finding the perfect viewpoint…in addition, she is an enthusiastic cook and gardener. When not managing tours and the joint renovation project, Lois manages restoration projects for others, acting
as the ‘eyes and ears’ for clients and sourcing artisans and materials. Details with images can be found on her website:

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